SpiralVeyor SVs Nano
The new SpiralVeyor ‘Nano’ has been developed on request of our customers who are happy users of the already compact SpiralVeyor SVs series. Even though the previous compact solution, the SpiralVeyor SVs 100-850, only measured one meter in diameter, our customers started to face even more severe space constraints. For those high demanding applications, AmbaFlex designed the new Nano spiral which is only 790 mm wide and, after a year of intensive testing introduced it to the market in the fall of 2018.
SpiralVeyor ‘Nano’ range
The Nano is currently only available with a 100 mm wide belt running on a 650 mm central diameter. The Nano is available in all in/out configurations as the other SVs series so can be straight in/out or include a 90, 180, 270˚ curve. Most options available on other spirals will also be available on the SVs 100-650.
New TPJ100 belt
The design of the most compact high performance spiral required a new narrow radius belt, the TPJ100. Like the well known AmbaFlex TPJ400 this belt is a side flexing belt with interlocking slats forming a near to 100% closed surface.
상품에 적합:
Small primary packs
- Most compact high performance spiral conveyor on the market
- Running on a 650 mm central diameter.
- High performance; 35 kg/m 60 m/min
- Elevations of up to 10 meters
- Available for the SVs-series