27/3 - Extended experience in wide belt applications

More than 10 years ago, originating from their ‘Extended Belt’ program, AmbaFlex developed the SpiralVeyor SVe series. Being a true AmbaFlex innovation it was, and still is, the undisputed king in high capacity elevation. Equipped with a belt of up to 48 inches wide, the SVe has resolved numerous parcel-handling challenges in distribution centers, postal facilities, and express-mail services around the world.
The SVe series exceeds all others in high capacity and heavy load elevation because of its true wide belt, which is up to 60% wider when compared to its counterparts from other manufacturers. Even though the SVe has a huge capacity and load advantage, it only takes up 55% of the floor space its competitors do, resulting in very efficient layout possibilities.
The SpiralVeyor SVe is available in belt widths 24″, 28″, 32″, 38″, 42″ all the way up to 48″ and features all the benefits born out of 20 years AmbaFlex SpiralVeyor®.
Come and see SpiralVeyor SVe at the ProMat booth S1623 in Chicago.